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  1. An aerial shot of a truck damaged by hail that will need an estimate for paintless dent repair.

    What Hail Does to Your Car

    Hailstorms are a terrifying sight to behold. While most people will never have to deal with this type of natural disaster, those who do may be left wondering what the damage will look like on their vehicle. If you live in an area that sees a lot of hail, you need to understand how hail…

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  2. Heavy hail damaging a car roof during a hailstorm.

    The Risks of Working With Auto Hail Repair Storm Chasers

    You may have heard the term “storm chasers” or “hail chasers,” but have you ever wondered exactly what they are and how they operate? We’re going to take a look into the industry so you can find out everything you need to know to protect yourself against potential scams. Hail chasers are those in the…

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  3. The hood of an SUV in need of auto hail damage repair in Austin, TX.

    How Much Does Hail Damage Affect Your Car’s Value?

    Hail storms are an unfortunate part of summer in most areas. If you live in a hail-prone area, chances are your car has been damaged by these unpredictable weather events. Hail can cause everything from broken windshields to dents and scratches on paint jobs. But how much does this affect your car’s value? It depends…

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  4. Car with a hail dent and damage in need of paintless dent repair in Austin, Tx

    Car Hail Damage: An Overview

     During a bad storm, hail can impact damage on a vehicle that is exposed to the elements. For example, you may suffer hail damage if a hailstorm occurs when your car is parked outside unsheltered. Hail dents can significantly decrease your car’s resale value, and larger dents and scratches can be unappealing, especially to a…

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  5. Esteban Tapping Rail

    Lonestar PDR is now Dingz Happen

    Seasons change, and so do businesses. The time had come for our paintless dent repair business in Austin—formerly Lonestar PDR—to evolve into something better. We’re in the process of completing just such a transition. It’s our pleasure to introduce you to the premier paintless dent repair shop in Austin and Midland: Dingz Happen. Why Dingz…

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